Tips to Being a Good Driver
Posted by Pranav on August 26, 23
Being a Driver in FTC can be tough. There’s the pressure and the accuracy that is required. Because of this, it can be easy to mess up. However, after reading this post, you will learn different ways you can improve yourself as a driver. The first way to improve your driving performance is create a strategy that works out best for you and scores the most points. This way, you are not making up strategies as soon as the match starts. Another good tip is to make your strategy flexible so that it can adjust to alliance partner’s strategy and also adjusts to the match’s circumstances. Remember to practice your strategy over and over again until you have perfected it. Its ok if you have rethought your strategy as long as you’re improving it. Another way to improve your driving performance is to relax and calm down before and during the match. Despite the match being pressurizing, it is important keep a calm profile. If you give into stress, you will make mistakes and your performance will go down. Before a match, try to meditate or do something that relaxes you. Remember to take deep breathes and clear your mind. The final tip I’m going to give is to accept the results. Sometimes, the match might not go the way you want it to. However, that should never discourage you. You should accept the results and congragulate the oppenent. Use this as motivation to do better in your next match. If you follow these tips, you will a much a better and improved driver.